Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Exercise Your Mind and Body with Yoga!

Today i want to take a break from hair for just a little while and talk about health . It is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle and for there to be a balance in all aspects of your life . I know when i mention exercise most of you might think its intense long hour workouts . However , in these times there are so many different forms of Exercise that is designed to meet the specific needs of each individual.

Yoga is one of these forms of exercises and is great for your mind , body and spirit.  Yoga is an ancient Indian practice which dates back to the 2500 BCE. "In Yoga , the mind and body are linked to create a sense of internal peacefulness and integration bringing the individual a state of separation to a self-unity that is flexible accepting and whole." - Angela Craig

How do i Do Yoga?

There are several Yoga centers in Jamaica . One can always go to YouTube . However , i would not recommend this in the first stages as there are special techniques that are not often revealed on YouTube that can even compromise your health ( speaking from experience) . If you decide to take up Yoga , visit a Yoga Center and they will advise you on what techniques are best for you . Yoga is done on different levels : Beginner , Intermediate and Advanced . Between these levels are different techniques each given unique Indian names. The typical gear for Yoga is clothing that is not restrictive , there are even what is known as Yoga Pants which are like stretchy sweatpants.

If you are one of those people who are looking to stay healthy while not trying to lose a lot of weight , then Yoga is right for you . You will be at peace with yourself , those around you and with the Universe. It is highly recommended that you do your own research as we are all different and have different needs .

Below are 3 Yoga Centres in Kingston where you can get more info

*Yoga is not done at Adzua Natural Spa*

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